
Journal Papers

(g) represents student advised

  1. O’Bryan, Christopher, Ni, Yongliang (g), Curtis Taylor, Angelini, Thomas, Schulze, Kyle. 2024. Collagen Networks under Indentation and Compression Behave Like Cellular Solids, Langmuir, 40, 8, pp. 4228-4235.
  2. Kathryn E. Shaffer, Edward J. McCumiskey, Brandon A. Krick, Jeffrey J. Ewin, Curtis R. Taylor, Christopher P. Junk, Gregory S. Blackman, W. Gregory Sawyer, and Angela A. Pitenis, 2024. Atomic Force Microscopy of Transfer Film Development
  3. Mei-Fang Lan, Toshi Nishida, Curtis R Taylor, and Chang-Yu Wu. 2023. Barriers to mental health care: Perception gaps between engineering doctoral students and faculty. International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 58, p. 719
  4. Back Choi(&), Bethy Kim(&), Jason Bice(g), Curtis Taylor, and Peng Jiang(&). 2022. Inverse DVD-R grating structured SPR sensor platform with high sensitivity and figure of merit. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
  5. Baeck B. Choi, Jae Hyeon Jo, Jason Bice, Curtis Taylor, Peng Jiang, Sung Jong Yoo. 2021. Monitoring electrochemical methanol oxidation and CO coverage using Pt deposited SPR sensor platform. International Journal of Energy Research. Online 19 July 2021.
  6. Calen J. Leverant, Yifan Zhang (g), Maria A. Cordoba, Sin-Yen Leo, Nilesh Charpota, Curtis Taylor, and Peng Jiang. 2021. Macroporous Superhydrophobic Coatings with Switchable Wettability Enabled by Smart Shape Memory Polymers, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8(13), 20021111.
  7. Yifan Zhang (g), S. Tori Ellison, Senthilkumar Duraivel, Cameron D. Morley, Curtis R. Taylor, Thomas E. Angelini, 3D printed collagen structures at low concentrations supported by jammed microgels, Bioprinting, Volume 21, 2021.
  8. Bhattacharrya, Abir; O’Bryan, Chris; Ni, Yongliang; Taylor, Curtis; and Angelini, Thomas. Hydrogel Compression and Polymer Osmotic Pressure, Biotribology, Volume 22, June 2020, 100125.
  9. Y Zhang, X Lyu, Y Ni, D Li, SY Leo, Y Chen, P Jiang, CR Taylor. Switchable Friction Coefficient on Shape Memory Photonic Crystals, MRS Advances 5 (14-15), 2020, 757-763.
  10. Gu, Zhuxiao; Kothary, Pratik; Sun, Chih-Hung; Gari, Abdullateef; Zhang, Yifan; Taylor, Curtis; Jiang, Peng. 2019. Evaporation-Induced Hierarchical Assembly of Rigid Silicon Nanopillars Fabricated by a Scalable Two-Level Colloidal Lithography Approach. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(43), 40461-40469 2019
  11. Jovan Tatar, Curtis R. Taylor, H. R. Hamilton. 2019. A Multiscale Micromechanical Model of Adhesive Interphase between Cement Paste and Epoxy Supported by Nanomechanical Evidence, Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 172, 1 September 2019, pp 679-689.
  12. Leverant, Calen; Leo, Sin-Yen; Cordoba, Maria; Zhang, Yifan; Charpota, Nilesh; Taylor, Curtis; Jiang, Peng. 2019. Reconfigurable Anti-Counterfeiting Coatings Enabled by Macroporous Shape Memory Polymers. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 1(1), pp 36-46.
  13. Ni, Yongliang(g); Zhang, Yifan; Leo, Sin-Yen; Fang, Yin; Zhao, Mingzhen; Yu, Long; Schulze, Kyle; Sawyer, Wallace; Angelini, Thomas; Jiang, Peng; Taylor, Curtis. 2018. Unconventional Shape Memory Mechanisms of Nanoporous Polymer Photonic Crystals: Implications for Nanooptical Coatings and Devices, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1(11), pp. 6081-6090.
  14. Brian Wingender, Yongliang Ni, Yifan Zhang, Curtis Taylor, and Laurie Gower. 2018. Hierarchical Characterization and Nanomechanical Assessment of Biomimetic Scaffolds Mimicking Lamellar Bone via Atomic Force Microscopy Cantilever-Based Nanoindentation, Materials, 11(7), 1257.
  15. Jovan Tatar, Christa E. Torrence, John J. Mecholsky, Jr., Curtis R. Taylor, H. R. Hamilton. 2018. Effects of Silane Surface Functionalization on Interfacial Fracture Energy and Durability of Adhesive Bond Between Cement Paste and Epoxy, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 84, pp. 132-142
  16. Jovan Tatar, Natassia R. Brenkus, Ghatu Subhash, Curtis R. Taylor, H. R. Hamilton. 2018. Characterization of Adhesive Interphase between Epoxy and Cement Paste via Raman Spectroscopy and Mercury Intrusive Porosimetry, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 88, pp. 187-199.
  17. Sin-Yen Leo, Wei Zhang, Yifan Zhang, Yongliang Ni, Helena Jiang, Cory Jones, Peng Jiang, Vito Basile, Curtis Taylor. 2018. Chromogenic Photonic Crystal Sensors Enabled by Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Shape Memory Polymers, Small 14(12), 1703515.
  18. Christopher O’Bryan, Tapomoy Bhattacharjee, Sean Niemi, Sidhika Balachandar, Nicholas Baldwin, S. Tori Ellison, Curtis R. Taylor, W. Gregory Sawyer, and Thomas E. Angelini. 2017. 3D Printing with Sacrificial Materials for Soft Matter Manufacturing, MRS Bulletin 42(8), p. 571-577.
  19. Leo, Sin-Yen; Ni, Yongliang(g); Xu, Can; Zhang, Yifan; Dai, Yuqiong; Qi, Pengxu; Basile, Vito; Taylor, Curtis; Jiang, Peng. 2017. Programmable Macroporous Photonic Crystals Enabled by Swelling-Induced All-Room-Temperature Shape Memory Effects, Advanced Functional Materials, 27(41), 1703522
  20. Yin Fang, Sin-Yen Leo, Yongliang Ni(g), Junyu Wang, Bingchen Wang, Long Yu, Zhe Dong, Yuqiong Dai, Vito Basile, Curtis Taylor, and Peng Jiang. 2017. Reconfigurable Photonic Crystals Enabled by Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Shape Memory Polymers Possessing Unconventional Room Temperature Shape Processability, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9(6), pp. 5457-5467.
  21. Kyle J. LeBlanc(g), Sean R. Niemi, Alexander I. Bennett, Kathryn L. Harris, Kyle D. Schulze, W. Gregory Sawyer, Thomas E. Angelini, Curtis Taylor. 2016. Stability of High Speed 3D Printing in Liquid-Like Solids, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 2(10), 1796-1799.
  22. Y. Fang, Y.L. Ni(g), S.Y. Leo, B. Wang, V. Basile, C. Taylor, P. Jiang. 2015. Direct Writing of Three-Dimensional Macroporous Photonic Crystals on Pressure- Responsive Shape Memory Polymers, Applied Materials and Interfaces. 7(42), 23650-23659.
  23. Y. Fang, S.Y. Leo, Y.L. Ni(g), L. Yu, P.X. Qi, B.C. Wang, V. Basile, C. Taylor and P. Jiang. 2015. Optically Bistable Macroporous Photonic Crystals Enabled by Thermoresponsive Shape Memory Polymers, Advanced Optical Materials. 3(11), 1509-1516. [selected as front cover of the journal]
  24. Yin Fang, Yongliang Ni(g), Baeck Choi, Sin-Yen, Leo, Jian Gao, Beverly Ge, Curtis Taylor, Vito Basile, and Peng Jiang. 2015. Chromogenic Photonic Crystals Enabled by Novel Vapor-Responsive Shape Memory Polymers. Advanced Materials. (early publication)
  25. Yin Fang, Yongliang Ni(g), Sin-Yen Leo, Curtis Taylor, Vito Basile, and Peng Jiang. 2015. Reconfigurable Photonic Crystals Enabled by Novel Pressure-Responsive Shape Memory Polymers. Nature Communications. 6:7416
  26. D. Craciun, G. Socol, E. Lambers, E. J. McCumiskey(g), C. R. Taylor, C. Martin, N. Argibay, P. Ionescu, D. Pantelica, and V. Craciun. 2015. Optical and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline ZrC thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition, Applied Surface Science. 352, 28-32.
  27. Sahu, B.(g), Riddle R., Ross D., Sheplak M., Leang K.K., Taylor C.R. 2015. Design and Analysis of Scanning Probe Microscopy Cantilevers with Microthermal Actuation. (IEEE) Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. PP(99):1-14.
  28. Gabriela Dorcioman(&), Gabriel Socol(&), Doina Craciun(&), Nicolas Argibay(&), Eric Lambers(&), Mina Hanna(g), Curtis Taylor, Valentin Craciun(&). 2014. Wear tests of ZrC and ZrN thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science. 306:33-36.
  29. Mina A. Hanna(g), Curtis R. Taylor, Bei Chen(&), Hae-Sun La(&), Joshua J. Maraj(&), Cody R. Kilar(&), Bradley J. Behnke(&), Michael D. Delp(&), and Judy M. Muller-Delp(&). 2014. Structural Remodeling of Coronary Resistance Arteries: Effects of Age and Exercise Training, Journal of Applied Physiology. 117(6):616-623.
  30. Doina Craciun(&), Gabriel Socol(&), Aurelian C Galca(&), Mina Hanna(g), Curtis R Taylor, Eric Lambers(&), Valentin Craciun(&). 2014. Pulsed laser deposition of nanocrystalline SiC films. Applied Surface Science. 306: 66-69.
  31. Craciun(&), G. Socol(&), N. Stefan(&), G. Dorcioman(&), M. Hanna(g), C. R. Taylor, E. Lambers(&), and V. Craciun(&). 2014. The effect of deposition atmosphere on the chemical composition of TiN and ZrN thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science. 302:124-128.
  32. Edward McCumiskey(g), Nicholas Rudawski(&), Gregory Sawyer(&), and Curtis Taylor. 2013. Three-Dimensional Visualization of Nanoscale Structure and Deformation. Journal of Materials Research. 28(18): 2637-2643.
  33. Raul E. Riveros(g), Jared N. Hann(g), Hitomi Yamaguchi(&), and Curtis R. Taylor. 2013. Nanoscale Surface Modifications by Magnetic Field-Assisted Finishing. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 135(5):051013.
  34. Viswanath Sankar(&), Justin C. Sanchez(&), Edward McCumiskey(g), Nagid Brown(g), Curtis R. Taylor, Gregory J. Ehlert(&), Henry A. Sodano(&), and Toshikazu Nishida(&). 2013. A Highly Compliant Serpentine Shaped Polyimide Interconnect for Front-end Strain Relief in Chronic Neural Implants. Frontiers in Neurology. 4(124):1-10. 10.3389/fneur.2013.00124
  35. Shashank Sawant(g), Naigang Wang(&), Mina Hanna(g), Curtis Taylor, and David Arnold(&). 2013. Fabrication, Characterization, and Modeling of Fully-Batch-Fabricated Piston-Type Electrodynamic Microactuators. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. PP(99): 1-10.
  36. Craciun(&), E. J. McCumiskey(g), M. Hanna(g), and C. R. Taylor. 2013. Very Hard ZrC Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 33: 2223–2226.
  37. Curtis R. Taylor, Mina Hanna(g), Bradley J. Behnke(&), John N. Stabley(&), Danielle J. McCullough(&), Robert T. Davis III(&), Payal Ghosh(&), Anthony Papadopoulos(&), Judy M. Muller-Delp(&), and Michael D. Delp(&). 2013. Spaceflight-Induced Alterations in Cerebral Artery Vasoconstrictor, Mechanical and Structural Properties May Contribute to Elevations in Cerebral Perfusion and Intracranial Pressure. The FASEB Journal. 27: 2282-2292.
  38. Ladani(&), E. Harvey(g), S. F. Choudhury(&), and C. Taylor. 2013. Effect of Varying Test Parameters on Elastic-Plastic Properties Extracted by Nanoindentation Tests. Experimental Mechanics. 3(8): 1299-1309
  39. Craciun(&), N. Stefan(&), G. Socol(&), G. Dorcioman(&), E. McCumiskey(g), M. Hanna(g), C. Taylor, G. Bourne(&), E. Lambers(&), K. Siebein(&), and V. Craciun(&). 2012. Very Hard TiN Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition. Applied Surface Science. 260: 2-6.
  40. Ning Zhang(g), Qian Deng(g), Yu Hong(g), Liming Xiong(g), Shi Li(g), Matthew Strasberg(g), Weiqi Yin(g), Yongjie Zhou(g), Curtis R. Taylor, Gregory Sawyer(&), and Youping Chen(&). 2011. Deformation Mechanisms in Silicon Nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Physics. 109: 063534.
  41. Ajay P. Malshe(&), Kamlakar P. Rajurkar(&), Kumar Virwani(&), Curtis Taylor, David Bourell(&), and Valliappa Kalyanasundaram(&). 2010. Tip-Based Nanomanufacturing using Physical, Electrical, Chemical and Thermal Processes. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology. 59: 628-651.
  42. Dongshan Yu(g), Tarek Trad(p), James T. McLeskey(&), and Curtis R. Taylor. 2010. ZnO Nanowires Synthesized by Vapor Phase Transport Deposition on Transparent Oxide Substrates. Nanoscale Research Letters. 5: 1333-1339.
  43. Trad(p), K. Donley(&), D. Look(&), K. Eyink(&), D. Tomich(&), and C. Taylor. 2010. Low Temperature Deposition of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles via Zinc-Rich Vapor Phase Transport and Condensation. Journal of Crystal Growth. 312: 3675-3679.
  44. Justin A. Blaber(g), Dipankar Ghosh(g), Ghatu Subhash(&), Edward J. McCumiskey(g), and Curtis Taylor. 2011. Determination of Post-Yield Hardening Response in a ZrB2 Ceramic. Scripta Materialia. 65:962-965.
  45. McCumiskey(g), N. Chandrasekhar(&), and C. Taylor. 2010. Nanomechanics of CdSe Quantum Dot-Polymer Nanocomposites Films. Nanotechnology. 21: 225703.
  46. Sahu(g), K. Leang(&), and C. Taylor. 2010. Microfabricated Actuators for Nanoscale Manipulation, Assembly, and Manufacturing Processes. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 132: 030917-1.
  47. Taylor, E. Marega(&), E. Stach(&), G. Salamo(&), L. Hussey(&), M. Munoz(&), and A. Malshe(&). 2008. Directed Self-Assembly of Quantum Structures by Nanomechanical Stamping Using Probe Tips. Nanotechnology. 19: 015301.
  48. Radmilovic(&), C. Taylor, Z. Lee(&), A. Tolley(&), D. Mitlin(&), and U. Dahmen(&). 2007. Nanoindentation Properties and the Microstructure of Grain Boundary Precipitate-Free-Zones (PFZs) in an AlCuSiGe Alloy. Philosophical Magazine. 87: 3905-3919.
  49. Taylor, E. Stach(&), A. Malshe(&), and G. Salamo(&). 2005. Nanoscale Dislocation Patterning by Ultralow Load Indentation. Applied Physics Letters. 87: 073108.
  50. Taylor, R. Prince(&), L. Riester(&), G. Salamo(&), S. Oh Cho(&), and A. Malshe(&). 2005. Characterization of Ultra-Low-Load (μN) Nanoindents in GaAs (100) Using a Cube Corner Tip. Journal of Smart Materials and Structures. 14: 963-970.

Book Chapters

  1. Reese, D. D., Pawluk, D. T. V., & Taylor, C. R. (2015). Engaging learners through rational design of multisensory effects. In S. Tettegah, & S. U. Noble (Eds.), Emotions, Technology, and Design. New York: Elsevier.
  2. Tarek M. Trad(p), Rose M. Alvarez(&), Edward J. McCumiskey(g), and Curtis R Taylor. 2011. Advances in Nanomaterials and Nanostructures: Ceramic Transactions. Capped CoFeO Nanoparticles: Non-Hydrolytic Synthesis, Characterization, and Potential Applications as Magnetic Extractants and In Ferrofluids. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 155-162.


  1. Mina A. Hanna(g), Curtis R. Taylor, Bei Chen(&), Hae-Sun La(&), Joshua J. Maraj(&), Cody R. Kilar(&), Bradley J. Behnke(&), Michael D. Delp(&), and Judy M. Muller-Delp(&). Structural Remodeling of Coronary Resistance Arteries: Effects of Age and Exercise Training (1079.24). The FASEB Journal. 28(1). April 2014.
  2. Mina Hanna, John N Stabley, Danielle J McCullough, James M Dominguez, III, Judy M Muller-Delp, Bradley J Behnke, Curtis R Taylor and Michael D Delp. 2012. Effects of spaceflight on vasoconstrictor and mechanical properties of mouse cerebral arteries (1b660). The FASEB Journal. 26(1). April 2012.

Conference Papers

  1. S Roberts, FT Najafi, CR Taylor. 2019. A Retrospective on Undergraduate Engineering Success for Underrepresented and First-Year Students. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, June 15-19, 2019, Tampa, Florida.
  2. Jovan Tatar, Christa Torrence, John J. Mecholsky, Curtis R. Taylor, H. R. Hamilton. 2017. Improvement in Epoxy-Cement Paste Adhesive Bond Durability Through Silane Surface Functionalization. Fifth International Conference on Durability Through Silane Surface Functionalization (CDCC 2017).
  3. Jeremy A. Magruder Waisome, Juan E. Gilbert, Stephen E. Roberts, Darryl B. McCune and Curtis Taylor. 2017. Building Communities through the Creation of Dialogues. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Zone II Conference, March 2-5, 2017, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  4. Claudia Pagano(f), and Curtis R. Taylor. 2013. Nanomechanical Property Analysis of Silica Aerogels. The ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE). 4 pgs.
  5. Argibay, Nicolas, Krick, Brandon A., Harris, Kathryn L., Ewin, J. J., Pitenis, A. A., McCumiskey, E. J., Taylor, C., & Sawyer, W. G. Exploring the Practical Limits of Wear of Polymer Composite Systems. 5th World Tribology Congress held September 8-13, 2013, Torino, Italy.
  6. Jared N. Hann(g), Raul E. Riveros(g), Hitomi Yamaguchi(&), and Curtis R. Taylor. 2012. Extension of a Microscale Indentation Fracture Model to Nanoscale Contact in Purview of Mechanical Nanofabrication Processes. Proceedings of the ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC). 6 pgs.
  7. Raul Riveros(g), Jared Hann(g), Hitomi Greenslet(&), and Curtis Taylor. 2011. Nanoscale Surface Modifications by Magnetic Field-Assisted Finishing. Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. 6 pgs.
  8. Bijoyraj Sahu(g), Robert Riddle(g), Kam Leang(&), and Curtis Taylor. 2011. Design and Fabrication of an Automatic Nanoscale Tool-Tip Exchanger for Scanning Probe Microscopy. Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. 4 pgs.
  9. David Jackson(&), Dianne Pawluk(&), and Curtis R. Taylor. 2011. Development of Haptic Virtual Reality Gaming Environments for Teaching Nanotechnology. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 26-29, 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 7 pgs.
  10. Dianne Pawluk(&), Marcia Hoffman(&), Maria McClintock(&), and Curtis R. Taylor. 2009. Development of a Nanoscale Virtual Environment Haptic Interface for Teaching Nanotechnology to Individuals who are Visually Impaired. Outstanding Contributions to Mechanical Engineering Education, 2009 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition. 6 pgs.
  11. Curtis Taylor, and Kam Leang(&). 2008. Design and Fabrication of a Multifunctional Scanning Probe with Integrated Tip Changer for Fully Automated Nanofabrication. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE) Annual Meeting and 12th ICPE. 4 pgs.
  12. Curtis Taylor, Eric Stach(&), Euclydes Marega(&), Gregory Salamo(&), and Ajay Malshe(&). 2006. Directed Self-Assembly of Quantum Dots by Nanostamping. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing (ISNM). 4 pgs.
  13. Martin Munoz(&), Lindsay Hussey(&), Durig Lewis(&), Curtis Taylor, Euclydes Marega(&), and Ajay Malshe(&). 2006. Raman Spectroscopy of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Patterned by Nanoindentation. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 2006.MAR.P35.2. 1 pg.
  14. Curtis R. Taylor, Ajay Malshe(&), Eric Stach(&), Euclydes Marega(&), and Gregory Salamo(&). 2006. Mechanically Biased Self-Assembly of Quantum Dots. Materials Research Society (MRS) Proceedings. 921: 0921-T07-07.
  15. Curtis Taylor, Eric Stach(&), Ajay Malshe(&), and Gregory Salamo(&). 2006. Nanoindentation-assisted Self-Assembly of Quantum Dots. Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Conference on Manufacturing Science & Engineering. 4 pgs.
  16. Curtis R. Taylor, Eric A. Stach(&), Ajay P. Malshe(&), and Gregory Salamo(&). 2005. Analysis of Nanoscale Deformation in GaAs(100): Towards Patterned Growth of Quantum Dots. MRS Proceedings. 864: E5.7.
  17. Curtis Taylor, Robin Prince(&), Ajay P. Malshe(&), Laura Riester(&), Gregory J. Salamo(&), and Seong Oh Cho(&). 2002. Investigation of Ultralow-load Nanoindentation for the Patterning of Nanostructures. SPIE 4936, Nano- and Microtechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems. 4936: 424.
  18. Curtis Taylor, Hameed Naseem(&), and William Brown(&). 2002. Characterization of Adhesives for Low Temperature Microelectronics and Photonics Packaging. Symposium on Polymers for Microelectronics at Winterthur. 5 pgs.
  19. Mark W. Rowland(&), and Curtis Taylor. 1998. Aerospace Fiber Optic Manufacturing. Proceedings, Integrated Manufacturing Process and Control Technologies, American Helicopter Society 54th Annual Conference. 4 pgs.